Design Documentation_0

Design and engineering of the future advertising structure is a critical stage of its production. It is firstly focused on the evolution from the agreed design to its implementation by ensuring all the required parameters strictly complying with the regulations.

This is where the design team leads the process of choosing the material and making design decisions about the manufacturing and installation of the outdoor advertising media. It is done through 3D-modeling, structural analysis to ensure the structural durability, reliability and safety, basic and detail design engineering.

In case of illuminated advertising structures, the activities also include calculation of the electric circuits, lighting design, security and automation systems engineering.

Adequate structural solutions, streamlining of production techniques and choice of material in many cases allow reducing the cost of production without loss of quality and at the same time significantly minimise the production cycle, improve production speed, which is critically important in serial production, where Latec is an absolute leader in structures design and mass production.