Photographs, measurings_0Photographs, measurings_1

This is a key step of any assignment having to sowith development, manufacturing and installation of the advertising structure. It includes site analysis, estimation of visibility and readability of the future advertisement from different angles and viewing distance, as well as design solution search, rendering and presentation.

For that purpose, LaTec managers visit the site, take pictures of the site from different distances and viewing points, review the surfaces and make measurements.

The client receives proposals for representations of the future structures on site under real-life conditions in different colours, dimensions, shape, day/night mode.

Working on projects for retail chains, LaTec will take photographs and measurements of every client’s outlets in various Russian regions — all at the same time. This is done by the internal mobile teams as well as by the contracted specialists.

Based on the photos and measurements, LaTec performs due diligence of the existing advertisement structures in every location of the whole chain, assessing their look, brand-book compliance, prepares expert conclusion and proposals for the challenges based on the revealed issues.

Besides, the client will need the overview of the current advertising makeup to check of there are any non-compliances with the regulations of the local controlling authorities.

LaTec uses the imagery and measurements to develop standards for the future advertising structures, to select production technologies. Such standards would enable cost optimisation in terms of structure production and shipping. Standards may apply to the advertising elements (blocks), their dimensions, internal structures, installation practices and components.

The imagery and measurements are also important for the registration and approval of the new advertising structures.